
EuropeEN 206-1: 2002, Concrete – Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity
BS EN 13670: Execution of concrete structures
NEN 5970: Determination of Strength of Fresh Concrete with the Method of Weighted Maturity
North AmericaCSA A23.1/ A23.2: Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction/Test Methods and Standard Practice for Concrete

ASTM C1074: Standard Practice for Estimating Concrete Strength by Maturity Method.
ASTM C918: Standard Test Method for Measuring Early-Age Compressive Strength and Projecting Later-Age Strength.

ACI 318- 6.2: Building Code Requirement for Structural Concrete and Commentary.
ACI 228.1R: In-place Methods to Estimate Concrete Strength.
ACI 306R: Guide to Cold Weather Concreting.

AASHTO T325: Standard Method of Test for Estimating the Strength of Concrete in Transportation Construction by Maturity Tests.

DOT: Many of the DOT’s in the United States have adopted the maturity method in their specifications. In the table below, you can see the states where the DOT accepts maturity as a testing method: